
In short...

Themes: Determination; hard work; developing skills; resilience.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, focuses on one of Aesop’s Fables - a story about Treasure in the Field that can be used to demonstrate the value of determination and hard work.

Resources: ; an image to display . You could also have some musical instruments on display at the front of the hall and / or a book of Aesop’s Fables.

The video

This story is one of Aesop’s Fables. Aesop was a slave and a story-teller in Ancient Greece. A fable is a short story which explains a moral.

There was once a farmer who worked very hard to feed his three children. The children were lazy and never did anything to help. When the farmer died he left a message for his children saying that, if they worked hard, they would find treasure hidden in the land around them. The children thought that they would soon be rich, so they started digging. It was hard work, but they kept digging day after day. They then planted seeds as their father would have done. The seeds grew and eventually the children were able to sell their crops. Their hard work had made them rich. This can help us to reflect on the value of hard work.

Video questions

  1. How many children does the farmer have? (Three)
  2. What is hidden in the land according to the farmer? (Treasure)
  3. What do the children do after they dig the field? (They sow seeds)
  4. What did the children do with their crops? (They sold them)
  5. What did their father teach them? (He taught them the value of hard work)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click to display image full size

Image: the words 'Hard work'

Suggested framework

1. Entry
You could ask a child who has instrumental lessons to play a piece as pupils enter. Otherwise display the image 'Hard work' and / or the collection of instruments.

2. Introduction
Ask the assembly if anyone has heard of Aesop. Establish that Aesop lived a long time ago in Ancient Greece and that we remember him for some stories called Aesop’s Fables. Ask the assembly if anyone knows what a fable is. Establish that a fable is a short story which explains a moral – or ‘lesson’. Ask pupils as they watch the video to think about what the moral or lesson of the story might be.

3. Play the video
The duration is 3' 48" and the final words are ’See you soon. Bye!'

4. After the video - time to talk
Lead a discussion about the story by asking some or all of the following:

  • What does hard work mean? (Something which you can’t do easily, so you need to keep working at it; something you can’t do straight away; something you need to improve; takes time to develop; show resilience when it goes wrong; need to show determination.)
  • How do you know that you have worked hard at something? (End result; goals met; showed and helped others; kept trying when it was difficult; took on advice; one step at a time.)
  • Who plays a musical instrument? Who helps you to develop your skills? Who is your role model?
  • What do you think the farmer meant in his message that the children would 'find treasure in the land'?
  • How do you think the farmer was a role model for his children? (He worked hard; he cared for his children; he didn’t give up; he left them with a legacy to continue his work.)
  • What do you think the 'moral' or 'lesson' of the story is?

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from ´óÏó´«Ã½ collections below.

6. Opportunity to reflect
Think of a personal goal… What is it that you wanted to achieve?
What steps have you already taken to achieving that goal?
Have you achieved it yet or are you still working at it?
Who has helped you so far to achieve your goal?
How could you work a little harder to get closer to that goal?
Now let us think of others who work hard for us. Take a moment to be grateful for the work that others do to help us in our homes, at school, with our hobbies and sporting activities, looking after our health and those who work hard in the fields, just like the farmer, who provide our food.

7. Opportunity for prayer
Dear God,Thank you for all those who work hard for us to make our lives better.
Help us to be ready to learn and to work hard to achieve our goals.
And when we are finding things tough, help us to ask others for help so that we can try again.

Suggested songs

Song: 'You've got to move'. Come and Praise, no 107. Vocal version.

Song: 'While we live we learn' (All about our school, no 3. Vocal version)

'Together' (All about our school, no 13).

Related links

´óÏó´«Ã½ Teach: School Radio - Aesop's Fables. Forty of Aesop's best-known fables.